data for "Integration of clinical and multi-omics multiple sclerosis data into a predictive algorithm of disease activity to accelerate personalized medicine" (GR-2016-02363997)

Published: 1 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/kfn9g29n6d.1


Data refer to the results obtained within the GR-2016-02363997 project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health. Main aim was to combine clinical data with genetic variants, transcriptomic and T lymphocyte repertoires signatures to dissect the biological basis of multiple sclerosis (MS) inflammatory activity. Two sets of patients were analysed: i) Extended cohort, for the identification of genetic biomarkers, ii) Core Cohort, for the identification of genetic, transcriptomic and immune repertoires biomarkers. Each patient was classified according to the NEDA (No Evidence of Disease Activity) criterion at 4- year follow-up, while time to first relapse (TTFR) was considered as secondary outcome. Data includes: - Results: GR-2016-02363997_results.pdf - uploaded documents.pdf - Genetic data: GEN_top_SNPs_geno.ped;; GEN_var.txt; GEN_gene-wise.txt - Transcriptomic data: EXPR_topRNA_CPM.txt; EXPR_var.txt - Immunosequencing data: IMMSEQ_diversity.txt; IMMSEQ_trbd.txt; IMMSEQ_trbj.txt; IMMSEQ_trbv.txt; IMMSEQ_var.txt


Steps to reproduce

see file "uploaded documents.pdf"


Ospedale San Raffaele


Genetics, Transcriptome, Multiple Sclerosis, Lymphocyte Receptor Repertoire
